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Note: There is a waitlist of approximately one year for being interviewed at no charge.  There is a priority interview opportunity for a fee ($250).  Exception:  Those with a social media following or email list of 50,000 or more, there is no charge for being interviewed in exchange for promoting the episode through social media and email.  Thank you for your interest!

"You, Inspired"!

Thank you for your interest in being a guest for my podcast, "You, Inspired"! We are so excited to learn more about you and join our list of prestigious entrepreneurs and best selling authors. We've interviewed people who have been on the Oprah Show and Dr. Oz as well as many International Best-Selling Authors. We have also interviewed people with an interesting story with the lessons they have learned and how our audience can apply it to their own life. In order to be considered, first subscribe and listen to one episode. If you like it, please give it a rating in itunes or whatever podcast platform you listen on: 

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